Tax Planning


Tax planning (<<< watch this link) and tax forecasting services for individual and small business clients is a core competency of the  firm. Effective tax minimization begins with long-term tax strategizing to establish overall objectives and is maintained with conscientious and consistent annual tax forecasting and mid-year tax planning.


Our Elite Team of Experienced and Professional Experts (<<< watch this link) include:

Qualified Pension Administrators and Chartered Retirement Plans Specialists

Employee Retirement Plan Agents and Certified Financial Planners

Certified Public Accountants and Chartered Financial Consultants

Certified Managerial Accountant & Certified Financial Manager

Chartered Life Underwriters and Third-Party Administrators

Certified Tax Coach & Certified Tax Planner

Tax Reduction Certified Public Accountant

Tax & ERISA Attorneys and Actuaries

Master of Science in Accounting